EarthWork and Excavation

Jaguar Bridge/599 Project

EMCO of Santa Fe provides professional environmental remediation services specializing in remediation system installations, soil excavation, transportation & disposal of contaminated soils, and site restoration.

With these capabilities we also self perform general site work, including drainage systems, wetland restoration, demolition, sewer and water connections.

EMCO of Santa Fe is committed to providing professional environmental remediation services. We work closely with our clients to come up with the best solutions for each project.

Sub Division

For more than two decades many developers have chosen to trust their projects to EMCO of Santa Fe. As the owners of the job, developers know that the quality of our work will reflect on them. For subdivision work, EMCO needs to be provided with a set of engineered plans. Once the plans are received, we use state-of-the-art software to generate precise quantities of materials and can then provide accurate pricing to the owner.

To talk to someone about your project please call (505) 474-3434 or feel free to request an email quote.